Monday, March 26, 2012

Starfruit Banana Lime Dish

Since this is a father daughter blog I though I'd share with y'all one of our favorite seasonal fruit dishes. I grew up spoiled! I had access to a number of different fruit trees right in my backyard. Can you say kid heaven..I never  had to interrupt my play to go inside to get a snack, I'd just pick it right off the tree!

Every ingredient in this fruit salad comes fresh from the backyard but you can certainly find all of them at your local organic food store or fruit stand. Just in case your local grocery or fruit stand does not call starfruit by it's nickname, it is helpful to know that the fruit's real name is Carambola.

For this salad you will need starfruit, bananas, and a single lime. Now do not be scared by a starfruit; they are so delicious and so many miss out on this amazing fruit because they are too afraid to try it. You will need to cut the starfruit into thin star shaped pieces and then remove the seeds. Slice the banana into thin circular pieces and mix together with the starfruit. The amount of each fruit you use depends on how many people you plan on serving; it is best to eat this salad fresh. Once you have mixed together the starfruit and the banana simply squeeze the juice of a lime over top and stir together. This makes for a refreshingly sweet tart fruit salad PERFECT for a hot afternoon!

These are beautifully ripened starfruits! 

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