Sunday, March 4, 2012


So you want to grow plants? Understand the soil biology and how the natural food web works creating a living soil. It is your job to not destroy or kill the living soil. Composting is the method of creating your own soil while recycling waste and returning surplus back to the earth. Kitchen waste that is biodegradable, basically fruit and vegetable waste, egg shells, coffee grounds, tea bags, or any other waste product that breaks down, news paper (black and white) can also be recycled into compost.

There are two ways to create a high quality humus, the first is a compost pile at least 3 ' x 3' x 3' with 3 parts carbon or brown matter (leaves, sticks, paper) 1 part nitrogen or green matter (grass, vegetative matter). Water or moisture must be present, along with air to start the heating up process that begins the composting. As it heats up to over 130 degrees, it actually cooks out any harmful bacterias and bakes the mixture. The pile could be turned to speed up the process, approximately 3 -4 times, in three month depending on climate conditions. When the process is completed, the steam will stop rising and the pile will cool down. No bad odor, only a rich, earthy smelling, nutrient packed humus. The second method is vermiposting (worm composting) , using worms and creating castings (or worm manure).

This is our kitchen compost

This an example of a 3'x3'x3' compost pile

This is the finished compost. DARK, RICH, & NUTRIENT PACKED!

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