Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Begining of The Soil Food Web

Welcome back to the living world! Ever thought about creating your own eco-system where life goes on in harmony with nature; balanced and teaming with not only beneficial insects above the ground but micro-organisms under the ground building soil structure and supplying the plant roots with the nutrients naturally. Become familiar with the biology of the soil and how to build substance thru composting or just adding quality soil to your beds to not only retain water but to add fertility naturally. The cost of petroleum based synthetic fertilizer is rapidly going up, not to mention the disruption and destruction of the soil food web. 

The Soil Food Web consists of many living organisms, each with a function to compliment each other, including but not limited to beneficial bacterias and fungi that together have the job of supplying and transporting nutrients that are available to the plants thru the roots and more specifically from nodules that act like fertilizer sacks that store nutrients until they are needed. Plant health starts with the soil. The natural occurring forest is an example of such a untouched functional environment. 

Plant your garden as you live each day, with JOY and GRACE

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Welcome to The Garden Corner at Gardens Unique Blog Spot

Gardens Unique is a concept of creating green spaces and transforming them into usable and beneficial areas that not only provide beauty but bounty too. You must start with a plan; ask yourself what are my goals? Do I want shade areas, buffers, butterflies, or even edible gardens. The possibilities are endless. Plants serve a purpose and provide a function. These concepts should be considered in plant selection: Right plant, Right location, hardiness, pest problems, and overall costs to maintain. In today's environment a cost effective approach to land use is essential. Creating a sustainable master plan is a common sense approach to long term success with minimal expenses. Follow us through the journey into the incredible living world of plants, wildlife, and nature at its best. Learn to create an environment that is Safe and Saves.